SEO in the Age of AI: Maximizing Visibility and Conversion Rates

The internet has emerged as the go-to resource for obtaining informational content, from celebrity trivia to how to fix our kitchen sinks. However, AI SEO may alter how marketers support the high ranking of their websites on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Your company may lose out on important search traffic if you don’t rank well. Which means your company will make less money.

You might get by with simple SEO techniques for a very long time.

but no longer.

You must step up your game as artificial intelligence (AI) takes over the globe.

How does that affect your SEO plan?

What exactly is AI?

AI automates our daily tasks:

  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Deep Learning

What purpose does AI serve?

AI is here to collaborate with humans by undertaking their tasks that require minimal human effort but they take up maximum time. By taking up the responsibility of doing most of our small tasks, AI has helped us boost our income levels. 

Did you know? 

30% of AI adopters in sales and marketing reported an increase in revenue of 6–10% as a result of using the technology.

It has been found out that AI can benefit SEO in numerous ways. But the question which is arising here is – “Is AI going to replace SEO in the years to come?”

Why is AI SEO important?

Google’s prominent algorithms like Rankbrain & Bert are making an active use of AI. This suggests that you can use AI to complement manual SEO efforts, provided you are using it correctly and staying away from black hat practices.

How can AI help you in SEO efforts?

  • Data Analysis
  • Complete menial jobs quickly & effortlessly 

Why is AI SEO vital?

Even though AI and SEO are individually challenging fields, when combined they make it simpler to improve your website’s ranks.

The user is constantly prioritized by search engines, which is something to keep in mind. They want to provide the most pertinent content they can.

As a result, SEO no longer revolves solely around keywords. It concerns:


What concept underlies the searcher’s request?


What purpose does the searcher’s query serve?

Customer satisfaction

Which responses to the user’s enquiry are most pertinent?

Therefore, keyword stuffing is ineffective (and has been ineffective since Hummingbird). You need a solid link-building strategy and to optimize for AI-powered search engines in order for your content to rank.

How To Use AI To Improve Your Website’s Ranking?

Opportunity Discovery With AI SEO 

One of the most crucial elements of SEO is identifying untapped potential for ranking that haven’t been taken advantage of.

This is one of the many areas where AI is spreading its wings and helping SEO enthusiasts to find keyword gaps. 

You need to uncover keywords, topic suggestions, and other SEO opportunities that aren’t too prevalent because the competition to rank is getting fiercer every day.

Discover opportunities that your rivals are not taking advantage of, and your chances of ranking will be significantly higher.

Of course, doing this manually requires a lot of time & effort 

However, you may find golden SEO possibilities more quickly with the aid of AI-powered SEO tools like BrightEdge.

AI SEO Content Creation

Finding content possibilities is just one minor aspect of the fight to rule the SERPs.

Additionally, you need to produce material that is on point.

Here, AI can help you with your SEO.


After locating keywords with a technology like BrightEdge, you can utilize AI to determine the type of content you should produce.

When given your target keyword, AI-powered technologies search the web for information that has been written about it. In a short while, you’ll discover:

  • Exploiting Content Holes
  • Current Issues

These types of insights make it simpler to produce content that is personalized and meets user intent, or material that is designed to address certain issues your audience may be experiencing.

Additionally, AI may assist you in making sure that the material you produce is appropriate for each point of your funnel.

Nowadays, ChatGPT has taken us back with its advanced level content delivering capabilities. If you want to know how to generate valuable content from ChatGPT, you must read this blog: How to Use ChatGPT?

Getting Ready For Voice Search

Voice search is one of the search technologies that is rapidly developing.

Voice SEO (VSEO) has emerged as a crucial component of SEO that you can no longer ignore as more consumers rely on their voice-activated gadgets to do online searches.

According to Statista, there will be more voice assistants than people on the planet in the next few years, or 8.4 billion.

As we all know, keywords in interrogative form make up 90% of the voice search. So optimizing voice searches for these keywords is quintessentially important to rank higher. 

Here is where AI-based tools are useful.

For instance, by displaying the queries users are typing into search engines, tools like Frase assist you in creating VSEO-optimized content. After that, you can develop material based on these inquiries.

The fact that voice search is conversational is another feature. NLP-based AI principles can be applied in this instance.

There are many AI-Powered tools like hemingway editor & grammarly, that help you to identify room for improvement & suggest the necessary changes. 

One must know that VSEO is quite competitive & one needs to work very hard to win the league. This is so because voice assistants only provide the first result that appears on search engine results pages.

This means that in order to ensure that you rank highly for VSEO, you must make every effort.

User Experience 

Keep in mind that the user is Google’s (and other search engines’) main priority.

This indicates that a key component of SEO is user experience (UX).

That’s probably why Google announced in an unusual announcement that starting in 2021, page experience would be an important ranking element.

What, though, is page experience?

Page experience, according to Google, is a set of indicators that gauges a user’s satisfaction—or lack thereof—while engaging with a website. This extends beyond the informational value of the page.

It considers the whole UX that the page offers.

Naturally, pages that provide users with a poor user experience won’t rank, and vice versa.

Where does AI fit into this?

Search engines can judge whether or not your page will give users a good user experience by thinking more like actual human users.

As a result, when a user enters a search query, search engines seek to present:

  • Accurate Information Providing Content From Authoritative Sources
  • Properly Structured Pages
  • Websites With Complexity-Free Navigation
  • Quick Loading Pages
  • Responsive For All Mobile Devices

The AI era has introduced many new AI-powered tools that can mimic the behaviors, preference and priorities of search engines. It will help you to identify the gaps for betterment. Thus, SEO executives will change their tactics accordingly and improve the website’s UX. 

As a result, you can stop speculating about whether the SEO gods will favor your website or not. You can (to a greater extent) determine what makes people happy and use that on your website. If you’re looking to delve deeper into these strategies, consider exploring our Digital Marketing Course, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the ever-evolving online landscape.

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