Why Do Companies Hire Through Staffing Agencies?

Finding the right talent continues to be a major problem for modern small businesses and big firms as well. The entire process of reviewing applications, interviewing all applicants, and negotiating pay takes time away from a business’s present schedule, which may be detrimental to them in the long term. 

A recruiting process can be both costly and time-consuming and worse if you recruit the wrong person with a generalised skill set that doesn’t cater to your JD, but you can solve this issue by hiring an authentic staffing agency to recruit candidates for you. This is why, more than ever, companies are collaborating with local staffing agencies which take the effort and worry out of finding qualified candidates for available positions. Staffing agencies hiring especially come as a boon for small-scale companies who don’t have a Human Resource department to recruit the best talents, even though they are eager to employ more competent candidates but fall short on expenses or the right expertise. Multinational Companies have a Human Resource department, but diverting the whole department to employ a few candidates can be a waste or impractical. They have plenty of other vital issues to handle. That is why both types of companies opt to hire an authentic staffing agency. 

Staffing agencies hire the best candidates for the company, according to the requirements of the company. They have a broader and more qualitative reach as compared to companies. They have recruitment from every area from freshers to experienced, active to passive candidates. According to hrcloud.com, about 73% of the candidates are passive, which is a currently employed individual who is open to hearing about new job opportunities, but not ready to take the risk to forgo their existing job and apply for a different position. Staffing agencies will enable you to recruit candidates out of this passive pool and bring them to your organisation.

According to solutions driven (https://www.solutions-driven.com/top-recruitment-statistics-2018/) each vacancy costs the average company $500 a day. Filling up these vacant agencies must be a priority for the company. A staffing agency contributes to mitigating this problem of the business by conducting efficient recruiting drives and staffing potential employees for businesses that lack the time, money, or other resources to do the task. 

Staffing agencies will hire employees depending on the company’s goals and needs. Depending on the organisation’s quota and need, some staffing agencies will give temporary workers and others will provide permanent employees.

Companies should hire their field experts from staffing agencies. Plenty of Staffing Agencies provide hiring services at affordable rates with excellent conversion results. Companies hire them to ease the pressure of recruiting and retaining new fast-moving talents in the industry. Staffing Agencies give the company the last work of selecting the best candidate from all the shortlisted candidates.

Staffing Agencies have skilled and experienced staff who have an eagle eye for talents. Most of them have experience in recruiting candidates for multiple companies, therefore they know what separates the wheat from the chaff. So they know who can be most suitable for the company’s job position. Various companies are hiring Staffing Agencies because they give them satisfying results expeditiously and ace their industrial competition level amongst clients. 

10 Benefits of Choosing Staffing Agencies for Hiring Talents 

Temporary Employees 

Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, your skilled employee is on leave, and you want someone to cover them, or you require support in the hectic time of the company. All these require short-time employees but doing a complete hiring process can be troublesome. At this moment, you need a staffing agency to help you recruit talented and skilled employees to cover your vacancies and urgent work needs. Searching for short-term employees without considering the consequences might not be fruitful as the companies might not be able to get suitable candidates. Hiring through a staffing agency allows the employer the flexibility to hire someone for a certain time.

The company can turn these temporary employees into long-term employees. They can take this as an opportunity to evaluate the candidates. If the company believes they suit the company’s environment, it can turn this short-term employment into long-term. 

Focus On Growth Over Staffing 

Authentic staffing agencies take care of payrolls, and workers’  comp and do the whole hiring process. They take care of employees even after you recruit them to solve any conflict if it occurs. They take the liability of the employee the company is recruiting with the help of them. It makes the company focus more on the training and orientation of the employees. They also help to hire long-term employees—a good employee aids in fulfilling the company’s orders or deals more quickly and effectively. 

Hiring through a staffing agency protects both the firm and the skilled workers by ensuring that they have alternative options during a company’s sluggish period, while also allowing them to return when business picks up. This allows the firm to keep growing without having to start from scratch.

Saves Cost and Time 

Hiring through a staffing agency saves both cost and time by doing all the hiring processes. Companies hire different media houses to show vacancies, do background testing, create payroll databases, and many more. They can save all these expenditures by hiring a staffing agency as they do all the work on behalf of the company. 

The company spends its qualitative time on this hiring process. Finding an exceptional candidate for the company can take lots of time, weeks, or months. Posting vacancies, screening resumes, verifying, and taking interviews require lots of time and effort. Staffing agencies take care of all the paperwork on behalf of the company.  

Talent Recruiter 

Many candidates choose to enrol themselves in these agencies to get an eligible job for them. Various kinds of talents in multiple fields are registered. When a company hires through a staffing agency, they have access to different sources via which they shortlist the best-suited candidates for them. They don’t restrict themselves to job portals or active job seekers; they also shortlist the passive seekers.

Hire the Best Talent in the Industry

Given that staffing agencies work with multiple businesses and hundreds of candidates, more than often they know how to quickly identify the best talent in the industry. They will ensure that your business can hire the best of the best candidates from both active and passive domains. You can also opt for specifically skilled people for a project of yours. You could hire someone with a specific skill set, but what will you do with them once the time-bound project is completed?  Getting in touch with an authentic staffing agency to send you an employee for the duration of the project can turn out to be the optimal choice.

No Unemployment Claims

When a company removes an employee due to less work available in the company, there is a risk of unemployment claims by the employee. The company has to pay for the unemployment claim. If a company hires through a staffing agency, then unemployment pay is taken care of by them. This will save the company from additional expenditure and paperwork. Companies can easily let go of the employee without any worry with the help of these types of companies. 

Works as an HR Department 

When the company faces any crisis with the employees recruited via an authentic staffing agency, they help resolve it. They play the role of the HR Department in this scenario to solve the issue and guide the company to increase the employee’s efficiency. This also ensures that the HR department isn’t wasting a lot of time scrutinizing and assessing the applicants and can focus on other important tasks at hand. Having a staffing agency also accelerated the efficiency of the HR Department.

Enhances Productivity 

When the company has a higher workload, they recruit short-term employees to increase the company’s productivity. Even if a long-term employee has to work obediently, sincerely, and efficiently, a bad employee can decrease productivity. If the company hires through a staffing agency, it recruits candidates according to its culture, environment, and working policies. They recruit only qualified and eligible candidates which always results in the progress of the organisation.

Testing Candidates Before Hiring

With the staffing agencies hiring it’s not always possible to have the right candidate at the first shot. Often companies even after getting done with the hiring aren’t sure if the candidate will turn out to be a good fit for the organisation. By going through a staffing agency, companies get the chance to work with the candidate on a temporary basis even before hiring them. This ensures the authenticity of not only their skills but also their work ethics in tandem with the values of the organisation.

Candidates Can Take up Jobs Through Staffing Agency 

The best external recruiters are focused on having passive candidates understand the long-term career opportunities that come with a new job offer.  While this requires more effort on the part of the recruiter, it assures that the recruitment will be more successful in the long term because the offer is accepted based on real performance and room for growth and not just on  the basis of the size of the pay package.


Staffing agencies provide you with both eligible and assured candidates. They keep you updated with their hiring process and also aid the company while taking interviews. The company has to mention its requirements and policies to the agency to recruit according to that. The company should work with a reputable firm that offers a guarantee for satisfying hiring.

We, Human Resource India, provide the Best Staffing Agency in Delhi-NCR. With our team’s years of experience and expertise in hiring unique talents, we provide the company with great employees for them. 

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